>>5821823It sounds like you do. Let me take that approach then:
First and foremost, practice good mental hygiene. This involves removing all stressors and such from your environment for some time before you plan to relax. Try writing down your issues and the things you keep turning over and over in your head. That way you can leave them behind easier.
The second step is to take time to set the mood and environment. Turn off any blue lights (CFL's are very blue, so hopefully you don't have those) and try to put the intrusive thoughts out of your mind. I would recommend squared breathing for this:
1. Inhale for four seconds
2. Hold for four seconds
3. Release over four seconds
4. Hold for four seconds
You should also, one by one, try to relax each muscle in time, starting from your toes up to your heads. Be aware of your body and consciously relax each muscle in turn, each limb in turn, until you are fully limp like a rag doll
Finally, use the time you set aside for relaxation (or viewing things in this case) for the thing you set it aside for. Don't get up or change it. Just ease through it.
Does that make sense?