>>11356852They are one of the earliest examples of a mammal. They still have several reptilian traits. They are extremely unusual and fascinating animals.
>10 sexting chromosomes.>Skeleton more like a lizard than a modern mammal.>Lays eggs instead of live birth.>Lower than normal mammalian body temperature. Only about 85°>Lactate but don't have nipples. Sweats milk out from patches on the belly.>Milk has a special protein that is naturally anti microbial.>Can see in infrared.>Bill is electro-receptive and detects extremely small changes in pressure and temperature giving them a means to see underwater without using their eyes.>When they dive they close their eyes, ears and, nostrils.>Have no teeth or stomach.>Males have a venomous spur on their ankles. It is seasonally more venomous and being stung during mating season can cause swelling and extreme pain that can last for weeks to months. It also cannot be treated with morphine. >On the upside since their venom gland is being researched as being part of much more effective treatment for diabetes.>They have an extremely unusual social hierarchy. They share territory, but almost never interact with each other.>The British didn't believe they were real for over a hundred years.I fucking love platypuses.