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In loo of the AI attack on India, I just want to say a few things.
First, they're obviously btfo which is absolutely righteous. It needed to happen, but I'm not sure any true academic scholar can say exactly why.
Second, this was the funniest shit (pardon me, sirs) I've seen in ages.
That being said, I hope Indians are not so demoralized that they somehow become anti-shit nazis and change their entire way of life. Maybe they have less trash in the streets, but I hope the poo baths don't go extinct.
>Inb4 They won't.
Like with any large scale attack, there are bound to be adjustments and changes to the losing side as they are forced to adapt and change. I just don't want to rob them of their genuine happiness. If they enjoy what they doo, then I wish for this diversity to continue to exist in the world for the sake of my own identity. Globohomo would have us all boil down into one homogenized race, and I don't think any of us want that to happen.
So, my message to Indians everywhere is to please continue enjoying your feces, the feces of others, and of your beasts because this was more about snapping out of a delusion. The delusion told us we were all equal and the same, that we can integrate without issue, that when the issues emerged, they were the fault of some scapegoat like "corporate greed." These myths are the real casualties.
ENJOY YOUR SHIT!!! And thank you for being such good sports.