>>12240892>Considering that you are of pure spirit and all that jazz, why don't you give that stuff a go? > hurrdurr ESP upgrade only for those of pure spirit> muh vrilIt appears I'll need more information, because I am not really familiar with this.
▪As for "You have at least two ghost mentors at your disposal. Just ask them?"...um...no?
Firstly, what I believe I'd need is close contact training...and that's not about to happen.
Secondly, I wouldn't even know where to start, and asking such questions seems rather invasive to me. It's one thing if info or abilities are offered that might be further pondered, but outright probing doesn't feel right.
▪Thirdly...I tend to go with flows. I rarely seek out more than I encounter naturally.
>I have best described myself as an Adaptobot (think Transformers). Whatever happens, happens. My fantasy dreamworld fills in the rest. Kind of like 'thinking something is, in some ways, experiencing it'. It's the best I can do with spacetime limitations. Lol.