>>21785870>None of us chose to be ruled over by parasitic, cancerous subhuman kikes faggot but we will choose to overthrow their rule and pick up where the Fuhrer left off.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR3Vdo5etCQ>Let me explain the "Realm"You should also try thinking of it all, as an Occult sacrifice & you are owned(Jacobs Trouble - Dumb-Satanic/Pagen cult shit)
>Read your Talmud *(Pentateuch-Torah-Tanakh-Midrash)*Satanic/Jews will Implement a DEI/SJW/Woke program create effeminate, buck-broken incel feminist nigger pedophiles faggot fuckers
Eliminate & sterilize the high-IQ. Control the low-IQ with a gain of function virus+vaccine combo 101
>Mass Formation/Engineered Psychosis - Black Awakening [Possibly make Trans kids lead the world(Dumb-shit + Mike Obama)Black Awakening Negative Neg[-]0 GOD/SOURCE 0 Inverted Platonic Solid
>Arc 5-6-7-8(0) Negative [-] TIBPD Ouroboros ie Dragon/Snake are going too devour the Positive Arc [+] Egregors ie Chicken/Egghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24YDQ29KGZk>WISCONSIN SCHOOL SHOOTER MIND CONTROLLED BY DRONESKek must be the SSRIs meds
Then use some kind of AI-Nano mRNA tech designed as Conversion "IBCI software", it's probably some
emotional disrupt inhibiter carrier to manipulate your Input (1) ERS (Event-Related Synchronization)
Output (0) ERD (Event-Related Desynchronization) [BCI-Ace2] Control the signals of the Collective Human hive
- Implement safe guards too stop the Positive Arc 1-2-3-4(1)+ Events - Merkaba-Connection with Source 4th Density (Ascension)
- It's probably not going to be the Mark of the Beast - More a contract of servitude pledging allegiance too the Caduceus "Rod of Asclepius"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ_joicK8S4>WEF/Klaus Schwab/Dr. Yuval Noah Harari 4th Industrial Revolution 666-6https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vrkTl9Sv6YSatan has planned this for a long time.