>>18222959Health is incredibly blackpilling. Once you really get into it you realize human life has no meaning, it's just an endless wave of birth and death.
The vast majority of humanity doesn't even have access to basic shit like food, shelter, clean water and sanitation.
Over half a million Pajeets shit themselves to death every year. That's more causalities than have been taken in the entire Ukraine war so far. Nobody notices, nobody cares and nobody does a damn thing about it.
Those numbers have been coming down steadily but if you think about the sheer numbers of Pajeets that have shit themselves to death over the last century, it dwarfs all the casualties in WW1 and WW2 combined.
In the west we believe in freedom and individuality and that every human life has value. That someone dying means something. But in reality there are endless waves of brown and black subhumans dying in droves every day and nobody cares.