To me it just seems like they're jealous and thus it makes them envy and hate us. I don't see much other reason. In fact whites have more reasons.
And no the past doesn't count. If my father killed 100 blacks because he hates them that doesn't mean I should pay for it because I literally didn't do anything. End of story. I know some hate whites for their past but that is an absolutely childish argument. It makes me seethe because I'm getting hate and being attacked FOR NOTHING. And worst part is that most good countries are white and we let these disgusting feral animal refugees in our countries that then try to hurt us instead of kissing our asses for letting them in. It just proves that whites are better. Is it really (((them))) that are trying to ruin whites with these strategies? Like the bbc meme that white "men" and women fall for and actually believe and that there is this false stereotype of "tall strong black" which is just false. Whites are taller and have bigger dicks on average. Proven by studies. I'm not trying to sound insecure but where is all of this shit coming from?
Just look at this: makes me angry. I wasn't racist before and had no assumptions at all but lately they are being worse and worse towards whites and it make things more radical. America is the perfect example. I would like to have an actual discussion here with your thoughts, not just memes and shitposts. What do you think /bant/?