>>7216113>JewYork, Commiefornia or manchurian-usetts candidatesThat's a real tough one for me as I hate all those states. I guess Massachusetts or JewYork since I could live close to the city but in the more rural areas were muh gun rights will slightly increase enough to be able to have a wheel gun legally after a few months or years though I might unironically just get some secret funs off the black market since they'd be intruding on my constitutional rights anyway and are therefore illegitimate.
On the other hand I hate the cold and would dread moving further north so realistically I'd go somewhere between North and South Commiefornia, somewhere mountainous but not snowy but then I'd be surrounded by aids ridden freaks that share needles with each and MS13 gangbangers but at least one will slowly exterminate the other over time...
Fuck I hate my options, if you had make JewJersey an option I'd be willing to live in Cape May, be expensive as fuck though.