Carmody backs up nervously. Between Sapphire's presence and seeing what just happened to the Queen's subordinate when she confronted Blue Hands, she's out of her depth. In a wrestling match, maybe she could handle herself. But this is strange and terrifying and when Priscilla suggests that they leave, she is only too quick to nod in agreement.
>>19319076>"It, uhh, was seeing you all again. Your Majesty, s-sorry my memory failed me m-momentarily, I think there was something in the punch at Oni's party that night.">>19319327>"Dia, congratulations on your win against Kanako. If you'll pardon me, I'll take my leave.">>19319312With as much poise as she can muster, Carmody hastens to follow Priscilla. She's not sure where the woman wreathed in flames ran off to, and she's beyond her ability to help if she could. She turns to Priscilla as they begin to walk away towards the limo pick-up.
>"So, uh, wanna drop by and catch the rest of the show with me at my apartment? I've still got a little Jen Bean left, and a couple snacks in the fridge." It's almost an absurd suggestion to make to the woman who owns and lives at the Divine Mansion. Almost.