>>7400493There is no need for a 'solution' (final or otherwise) because there isn't a problem. Racemixers are... what, 1% of the population? If that? For obvious biological reasons, the grand majority of people tend to stick to their own race. The real problem is the fertility rate in white countries in general. Racemixing is a red herring white nationalists use so they don't have to turn to "muh white women" and their failings in having enough children as a result of female sufffrage enabling them to vote for laws that tear apart the family unit and destroy men.
Banning racemixing will do NOTHING to prevent the extinction of the white race. White men keeping white women in line will, even with racemixing.
>Inb4 jew/cuck/shill/niggerThere's clear evidence that fertilty decreases the more "liberated" women get. If you disagree with me that we must prioritize sending women back to the kitchen over banning racemixing, I want you to show me evidence that demonstrates banning racemixing will magically result in a fertility rate of over 2.11 children. The only way I could see this resulting in an increase in fertility is because the arab men that would otherwise marry and have one child with a white woman will instead have three children with an arab women.