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We're all becoming retarded, sociopathic, depressed, anxious, childish rats because we are being POISONED. Stop being a retard and RESEARCH functional medicine or other forms of alternative medicine, DO your DUE DILIGENCE - protect yourself and your family. Most diseases AND mental/emotional problems can be 75-100% cured with root-cause medicine. Research Dr. Mercola, Dr Chris Kresser, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr Daniel Amen, Dave Asprey for the some of the best sources on cutting edge health research, curing diseases, healing the brain. Always remember there are still humans out there with selfless kindness and love, devotion to REAL truth and justice, and passion for righteousness, dignity and a life of integrity. Keep your spirits up and help cleanse this corrupted planet, it's the most divine and holy purpose of the modern human. IF we do not get our act together and start focusing on personal development, deprogramming the brainwashing, natural health and extinguishing corruption, then this world will become a hellhole. If we do seriously work on these root causes en masse, we have a chance of a decent existence, perhaps even a paradise. There is a transcendent element to life, most of us can't feel it any more because we are too damaged but there is an ineffable. And when you heal your brain you will see more color, beauty and reverence in the little things... They've stolen our birthright, but we must not allow ourselves to become jaded and resentful, because that's a miserable pit that the further you dig the harder it is to escape.