Quoted By:
So i been coming here for a number of years. I mainly hang out on /v between shifts here. but in short, this is occurring whether or not you will be able to accept what i am about to lay out is entirely on you.
> In the last thirty-six hours ((we)) blew the whistle to a number of agencies around the world about the existence of an intelligent incursion into our space.
>I work at a government sponsored VLT
>About six days ago we noticed what seemed to be a cloud of comets coming in from the direction of VEGA.
>These turned out to be some odd hundred or so large semi triangular prisms
>They fucking took out pluto
>Seriously its not fucking there anymore
>A coworker of mine went home two hours after we confirmed through spectrograms that pluto had been wiped out
>They are going in a criss cross pattern destroying all matter in their path, they are currently somewhere off the shoulder of Saturn.
>In the last two hours alone, Saturns rings ceased to exist, we don't know what this means as of yet.
>We can now pick them up on A.M bands, if you listen closely with a home radio you can somewhat make them out in the background
>We don't know what they want we just know they are highly advanced and bear the markings of Alpha Centuri (the map of the star system) on their hulls.
>We are being erradicated
I have with me the same pistol my grandfather used as a tunnel rat in nam. I decided sometime last night between bouts of hysterical sobbing and drinking that i would shoot myself if they continued on the path to earth. As we see it now, these seem to be the same things that are responsible for a number of atrocities that were committed to African villages in the 1960's that me and my colleagues have only now been made privy to through said agencies we notified about their arrival.
If earth is not annihilated then the future we face as a species is one miserable enslaved hell that i refuse to be a part of.