>>10594766While I have no past insight on the IC angle, I WILL say that the story of how the Mormons came to be has *always* compelled me enough to not take it for granted.
Consider this:
Before the Christ enters 'the picture' in modern history, two tribes make it to our Continent.
>this is not all that impossible to believeTwo millennia later, as our New Nation is *expanding* in every sense of the word -think spiritually- enter: Joseph Smith.
>The 'get' here would be the Promise from God that the soil and soul of THIS Nation was Blessed two millennia before it even became 'a thing'......well, now placed within the perspective of An Avenging Angel returning to secure what those break-away Israelites sought to establish one day FOR this new world
>I cannot dismiss that there's a 'something' there which has some value at this point in History.It need not be 'everything Mormon Church'; simply, an aspect of what the original intentions where, any, why they were finally revealed.
Please take into consideration that I am only freshly musing on what has been placed into my purview this morning, and, as such, still in the process of being disseminated for any value.
Too bad inb4 does not enter in here, because at this moment in time, I would reeeally love to hear what he has to say about this.
All I know is that my spidey-senses are highly amplified at the moment, with my neurons sparking enough to feel tinglings.