>>11459541>This anon's got it, and it's called Syncretism. Throughout every single world religion there are nuggets of truth of degreeing scale, for they all have the same truth behind it, but interpreted (poorly or greatly) in different ways...or abused.ABSOLUTE LIE.
(((Gnostic))) deep state = NEW AGE jew globalism. And the only retards who fall for that lie are people like you, who think they are on to something, educated, smart, investigative, but are in fact LAZY. That's why it appeals to the Millenial internet 2.0 generation.
Religious stories have deep meaning that reinterpretates depending on the situation. I would say they are even lower than fairy-tales because fairy-tales are very straight forward and known to be for fun, therefor not dominated by a priestly cast or degenerates.