>>17086965My parents divorced wen I was a toddler. My father was a military guy who cheated on her and drunk a lot. Sometimes he beat her. Since then I've lived with my mom and granny. I had friends, some of them I still have since I was a child. I was a good student, I received a higher education at best university in my country. I do not smoke, I do not drink. I have a decent job and a salary way higher than average in my country. I have enough money to buy everything that I want. But I still live with my mom, I don't have a car and I don't have a girlfriend. Any relation with girls that I started, ended up after she told me that marriage is the next step. I have no purpose, I don't know why I should live. I hate my father and I want him to die alone. BTW since then he transferred to Christianity and blames Satan for every fucked up decision. He haven't tried to fix all that he broke but he asked for forgiveness from JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Really? This is how things supposed to work? I friend of mine told me that I'me inside women's pit. I have to move and live alone in order to be a man. But I'm not ashamed of being not a man, I have no faith, I have no pity to anyone. I fulfil any my male need with hookers, sometimes female hookers, sometimes male hookers. And I still watch Adventure Time, Rick and Morty, Helluva Boss.