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Despite the memes about women being denied education, there were lots of literate and well-educated women throughout history. In some cases, famous intellectuals were hired to teach noble daughters. For example Rene Descartes, the inventor of Coordinate Geometry and rationalist philosopher, died while tutoring the Queen of Sweden. Yet the vast majority of great minds throughout history have been male. Famous women scientists are meme shit like Marie Curie, known more for being female than any scientific achievements.
Similarly, in history there have been several famous female leaders who managed to achieve the heights of political power in their territory. Tsarist Russia, Great Britain, the Byzantines, etc. all had very famous female heads of state. In almost every occasion, they had only managed to grab power of dying empires to drive them into the ground. The few exceptions, such as Tsarina Elizabeth, did nothing particularly noteworthy. They're only remembered as "heroic" for being women. There was never a female Napoleon, who turned a shit situation into a glorious one, or a female Ataturk who birthed a nation. Furthermore, the majority of modern female heads of state were chosen by Parliaments. Nations with direct elections for head of state, such as the US, Russia, and France, choose men. Only in nations with widespread corruption, such as South Korea, do women 'win'.
The one field where women are more notorious than men is activism, where they're known for advocating for the rights of the downtrodden. And those downtrodden are invariably themselves. Women are only famous in this field because they want more power, and regularly fight for it. John Brown, a white southerner, became famous for trying to start a slave revolt. Susan B. Anthony is also famous, for trying to get women's suffrage.
Women are a modern meme, held aloft by bias in school grading and criminal sentencing. I thank God every day that I was born male.