This will seem racist at first, but stay with me
Anonymous ID:LWrMa+U+ No.3968358 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Tabula rasa has been pretty thoroughly debunked by now. Nurture is important. But nature determines nurture.
This man is half-white. He's handsome, tall, exceptionally intelligent, capable, ambitious and successful beyond what most people could ever achieve in a lifetime-- and he's still a fairly young man. He's not old, anyway.
But contrast him to the most intelligent, capable, ambitious and successful man in Africa today, without a drop of white blood. There's no comparison. Sure, he had advantages none of the black people in Africa have. But, he also faced systemic racism within his own country that black people in Africa don't have. Maybe the black people in Africa suffer under systems of global racism, but I don't think that can account for all of the difference.
White boys in the U.S. grow up in the same system as black boys. They have all the same access to all the same sports-- even moreso, generally, from an earlier age. Look at any sports team of young boys not supported by the government and government schools, and you'll see that they're overwhelmingly white. But even with that disadvantage, by the time boys reach high school, black boys occupy the top slots on the varsity teams. If you look at professional sports to which black and white boys have equal access, there's really no question about it. Black men may or may not be, on average, physically stronger, faster and more agile than white men. But the strongest, fastest and most agile black men are undeniably stronger, faster and more agile than the strongest, fastest and most agile white men. An exception of one or two does not disprove this. There is no tabula rasa.
But that swings the other way, too. Whereas black men are undeniably superior in environments of physical contest, they have not shown to be even equal to white men or men of other races in contests based upon ingenious cleverness, unless they have some white, Asian or Jewish genes.