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I imagine myself in Trebizond leading my platoon. our task is to stop Gr*ek dogs from advancing. I mow down gr*ek dogs. we then routed their meager forces that fled to he capital city forcing us to siege it.
our men grew tired of this cowardice. but then I remembered the campaign several years earlier when fati mehmed blew through the so called invincible walls of Constantinople and i rallied my men and bombarded trebizonds walls. the gre*k "emperor" david cowered as he witnessed his walls collapsing and he surrendered the kingdom entirely.
Trebizond fell rapidly following the surrender. and we surveyed the greek forest lands of the countryside putting to the sword all those who resisted. many fresh pontic and armenoid maidens were taken as wives for our liking.
then we came upon it. Hamamshen the land of the arm*noid bandits led by the "prince" Davit II amatuni. whose ancestors fled to these lands after rebelling against arabs and islam. my heart boiled with rage and I personally dismantled the city and completed the conquest. exiling the "lord" to Ispir as captive.
we finally did it. we conquered Trebizond.