>>19309421The empty room remained silent for a couple of moments until the sound of a lever triggered a steel mechanism. One heavy floodgate opened in front of Kasumi. There was no light inside of the room behind the gate, but Kasumi could feel a presence. The echo of Raquel invaded the space.
>You came right at the perfect time.>Welcome to the enclosure I'm preparing, I've been creating something truly special during the last few months.>Sadky, It's just not ready yet.Raquel appeared from the shadows followed by her Jaguar Miguelito.
>Sorry for the rough introduction.>Yes, I am Raquel Durango and I defeated Casandra Kade.>Yet, I'm afraid that your knowledge is wrong.>I didn't beat Casandra once. I beat her three times.>In a tag match, in singles action, and the moment I saved the company.>I hope you still remember the last one.Raquel circled Kasumi, as Miguelito walked beside her filling the space between both women.
>I like your boldness.>Coming here.>Alone.>I see it in your ojos.>The shame, the ambition, the passion...Raquel raised her hand. She held a piece of paper.
>Here it is!>You want to defeat Casandra? I wrote the recipe>I'll give it to you. Pero pero pero you need to understand the price>Even the bravest corazon falters when they learn the price of success>Primero. Your relationship with Casandra will never be the same>You think that woman truly wants someone more dangerous than her beside her?>Look what she did to her own hermana or her step-sister. Both champions, both exiled from her clan>Once you cross her, once you are able to stand your ground and look at her right in the ojos>She will either clip your wings or try to kill you.Raquel stopped, she grabbed a piece of meat from her front pocket and threw it away to dismiss Miguelito. The jaguar pounced on the undersized scrap of meat and Raquel closed the gap between her and Kasumi
>Segundo, show me your Corazon>Face me next week in a singles match>Make me remember your name