>>15284556>If that was true then women would have no sexual selection preferences.Women select whomever they perceive to be dominant, in terms of providing resources.
>The evolutionary mismatch comes from a corrupt society where the decendents of (((bankers))) and (((elite))) happen to have the resources not due to skill/ability but due to the nepotism/system.Make NO mistake. When push comes to shove, once Euro's have been effectively disenfranchised, any competition for resources between "white" women and "ethnic" women will be resolved with the white women facing the exact SAME fate that the "white" women faced after the Haiti slave revolt.
>Hint, not only were the white wives of the Haitian elite killed, so were all of the mulattosIn the battle between the (Chinese) Asians, Blacks, (curry) Indians and (feather) Indians/mestiso/metis, who