Relationship of Tattoos to Personality Disorders between risky decisions, impulsiveness and smoking in young tattooed women of Herpes Simplex Infection after Tattoo. gets tattoos? Demographic and behavioral correlates of ever being tattooed in a representative sample of men and women., piercing, and sexual behaviors in young adults and Young Adult Tattooing, Piercing, and Scarfication young women with tattoos have lower self-esteem and body image than their peers without tattoos? A non-verbal repertory grid technique approach>a study by Varma and Lanigan [62], showed that in 48% of the cases the main reason for tattoo removal was the desire to improve one's self-esteem>suicide victims were twice as likely to have tattoos compared to a matched sample of accidental-death victims observed in the same clinicThe women with tattoos tended to perceive the ideal body-image as being a tattooed body. Tattoos, just like breast implants, tummy-tucks and Botox injections are used to improve self-esteem through creating "a perfect" body-image