>>12991451>God of the bible required the sacrifice of baby's foreskins for thousands of years:because it was a sign of the covenant with israel
>David wields the power of 200 foreskins to marry King Saul's daughter:That was because Saul was trying to get David killed you literal retard.
>Saint Paul sacrifices Saint Timothy's foreskin in the New Testament:Which was wrong
>Rabbi Jesus' foreskin was sacrificed when he was 8 days old:Okay, and?
>Egyptian Gentiles persecuted 600 thousand Israelites (who are ethnically jews as we already know), so God punishes Gentiles with 10 plagues.It's because the israelis (not jews you fucking retard), were his people that believed in him, and the Egyptians were persecuting them for 400 years
>The gentile (goyim) genocide event is known as 'The Passover':It's supposed to symbolize that without Christ's blood you will perish.
Fucking retard