>>10957885HEY faggot.
We meet again. WHY DO YOU INSIST ON COMING HERE TRANNIE THE FUCKING MANNIE? Do you not get enough abuse from your parents?
Le edge rebel you are! That'll show mummy and dada.
I'm not a faggot i'm a real boy.
How about you shut the fuck up pinnokio and listen up.
WHY can't you be content just being a homosexual.
No, you have got to be extra special because homo is not good enough.
You form delusions to justify your drive for attention and you jump on the very same bandwagon you did 10 years ago when you started hanging out with your goth and emo friends in the park while discussing posers and how you'd never be like "them".
You're a fuckwad, a trainwreck, a cultural terrorist.
You have no concept of what matters then your own selfish delusions. You force others to accept your high and mighty status of special K flakes just so you feel it confirms your delusions.
Admit it, Say it.
You're an attention seeking faggot, you crave it.