>>10197834>Women are still fighting hard to get slut shaming done away with. There stupid ass “slut walks” and shit they do and try to treat it like it’s another fucking civil rights movement.>After interacting with enough women I’ve learned AWALT. Every fucking woman is a whore inside. Your mom, your sister, your aunt, your grandma... your fucking NEICE....and your DAUGHTER it’s a tough black pill to swallow as a man in this world were women your supposed to care for as family all act like damsels in distress and then you tell them what they should or should have done then they REEEEEE at you like your a sexist fucking pig. like NO for fucks sakes! Don’t dress this or that way or post certain pictures online if you don’t want men to treat you like shit. You can’t fucking win with women, you cannot speak logic to them. It’s no wonder that the men who cared about the women of their family most back in the day regularly disciplined them physically. I fucking hate this gay brave new world when women I care about run their mouth on and on about how horrible this guy or that guy is treating her or why the world is so fair and I have to sit there fuming like I NEED to smack her for being a vapid slut and bring her back to reality but I can’t do it because I’ll get my asshole resized in prison. Fuck this gay earth.>It’s no wonder men withdraw from society and women. They have all the power and it’s like giving all the power to a fucking toddler.based. Our ancestors fucked up royally when they gave these bitches the right to vote! Fucking fools !!!