>>10217229The integration of the unconscious anima/animus by the conscious mind and resultant rebirth is perhaps best demonstrated symbolically however by the depiction of the violent interplay of the primordial demon-slaying goddess Kali (unconscious raw energy) trampling on her husband Shiva (the substrata of universal consciousness) while holding the decapitated head of the ego. Slaying the ego can also be seen as the opening of the “third eye” or ajna chakra – the Shiva/Shakti energies reside there in their merged, primordial state as Ardhanarishvara. The integration yields Isis and Osiris: the hard edges and the soft lines, the Golden Ratio, the balanced male and the female, the nobody and the woman of stars, twin flames, you and your husband/wife. Everyone is an embodiment of the divine masculine and feminine. This dynamic is also reflected in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as the intertwined relationship between Chokmah (male) and Binah (female).
This unifying/balancing experience – while painful – pales in comparison to the inevitable world-destroying trauma of an ego left unconfronted and unchecked. Once the male and female principles have reconciled, they reside back in the heart center.