>>3761775Every form of escapism could be detrimental.
Heroic escapism is better than cuck escapism.
A tale of a little loser who train his ass off to save the day and get the girl is better than a story about a loser who end up getting the girl because the girl loved him for the loser who he was and whos best friend is a based black funny dude in a multicultural utopia that is not actually possible.
Every sucessfull culture has their heroic stories where boys become man, defeat the enemies and get the woman.
That's why greeks have their epic tales passed through generations.
It's not a secret that anime have real appeal to alt-righters, identitarians, nat socs and fashy guys.
The question is why. Well I proposed an answer to why.
Anime (at least some forms of anime) is actually old heroic traditional tales adapted to modern bullshit. A lot of it's details can be over the top or even childish but the structure of the struggle of a heroe journey remain untouch.
Your average shounen anime of over the top fights with super powers tend to have a structure similar to the odyssey of homer.
Compare that to your random dc/marvel comic injected with SJW propagsanda.
Or your romcom series where romance and relationships are completely trivialised.
You have generations of young men and women beign feed thanks to niponese arts that relationships are important, while series like friends for example totally trivialize who you fuck.
Anime is an anomaly od the posmodernist degenerate world.
A massive medium of entertainment that remain controversial and loyal to old themes that remain untainted by marxist degeneracy.