It might be advantageous to join Pro-Palestinian and other anti-Israel protests to introduce our own grievances in exchange for supporting theirs. For example, setting up a huge version of pic related would be a nice addition to all those posterboards the curious public are reading (with the added advantage of being at the edge of the protest if you must bail). Chabad has a huge presence on college campuses and showing pic related and similar infographics to the public would be a huge blow to their public opinion. This could also work with a display of Jewish involvement in vaccines as stated before, and again with Black and Asian grievances toward Jews.
We have to use Esau's gambit here a bit, because our primary mission is keeping Isareli (Jewish in general) involvement in COVID and the vaccine poisonings on the surface of public consciousness. The Palestine issue I think might be a controlled opposition thing to divert public thinking, and anger, away from the COVID injustice and into something the Jews can try to dismiss as "supporting Islamic Terror," ultimately using it to try to snuff out public anger.