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Males are better than females at immune system, letting your body explore that space a bit better, because you don't have to limit yourself to the outlandishly restrictive jobset of having to have a baby, a foreign pathogen by every definition, flood into body and have your immune system not kill it. Meaning murder university of your T-helpers and B-Lymphos in females has many orders of magnitude more work to do to not kill baby than the males.
Women's neural nets in the head area overcompensated for this limitation by giving them a sense of smell that's an order of magnitude better than males because female ability to detect 1 part per million of an invasive pathogen, virus, elemental or fungi-algae means that many orders of magnitude less work for her to not kill baby to kill invader.
Males are for evolution. That's why the Judeans are trying to get rid of them, the Jews want to control Evolution of all races, to bring all humans onto the same trunk of the same tree. With Das Juden, the Cain Brother murdering Beast Sodomite described in Revelations in the bible, to rule as God, over all that light touches.
Yes this is their goal, and they are nearly at fruition. You people bickering over gender as if you aren't exactly the same tree, just the parts over the ground and the parts under the ground.
Your ability to take in oxygen and expel CO2 is strictly 33% stronger than females, because you have that many more receptacles on your CO2 and Oxygen, gas exchange system.
Explaining why males and females can't compete with each other even in weight classes, unless you want the males to clean sweep. Males are just bullets from females that perform the gradient ascent dropout steps of machine learning, in biology. You procreate in ways other than sexually, by putting your penis in a vagina and getting your seeds into the female babyfactory which procreates on your behalf.