>>2702916Gonnae-no feckin' ruinin' europe (when Ah saw "yoo" Ah am referin' tae germany. tay lazy tae change th' yoos back tae germany) auld liberal democrac was whaur every a body was equal, equal wi' nae advantages, sae by th' sam reasonin' fags shoods be allowed tae gie merrit jist loch straecht fowk. it's complete utter autism fur ye germanfags tae hink 'at ye ur greater than a' fowk else an' 'at a' fowk shoods exactly as ye dae. it's e'en mair retarded when ye hink 'at fowk fa dinnae act as ye dae shoods be slaughtered by th' number. swatch at lest time. ye persecuted everythin' 'at wasnae ye. ye massacred an' caused mass sufferin' in aw forms a' place ye cam. ye destroyed th' li'es ay millions upon millions upon millions. in yer false crusade tae rid aw ay those different ye broke yer christian laws (yoor christianity nae e'en bein' real christianity, a false religion gart tae fit th' morals ay th' oligrachy called positife christianity). alang wi' th' mass persecution ay aw, a' fowk united against ye. th' problem wi' yer ideologies is 'at thaur ur mair fowk than ye. mair fowk fa can actually sit aside differences fur mutual benefit. th' warld is stronger than germany, an' nae matter hoo mony times ye try tae buck it up ye will fail. referin' back tae th' topic ay anti-gay. if ye persecute gays an' gettae France wi' it, ye will 'en move oan tae others fa also dinnae fit intae yer relati'es wee category ay liked. by thes time fowk will begin formin' against ye. th' fowk ye persecute frae aw ower th' warld will begin tae tak' action against ye, an' they ur far mair numeroos in nae only manpower but in loch.