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TURN 17 (Finale):
-invading the sacred Steppe-Aryan homeland was a major mistake. The army repositions itself for a final, valiant push to retake Die Vaterland and wipe out the Nignog disease for the final time. King Nignog's army holds in the city of Massawa as the R.A. army clashes at the city gates. For 5 whole days, the army stood. On the 6th day, the army broke and Romulous Aryan troops stormed King Nignog's temporary residence. He was brought before a war crimes commision to discuss the treatment of his people as well as Prisoners of War. After a week of trial, (former) King Nignog was sentenced to exile to an unknown insland in the northern Atlantic, to live out the rest of his days in peace. India is finaly reunited with the rest of the Romulous Aryan Empire.