>>7329388pic related, not my OC. grabbed from Google. these are similar although not exact. basically the same concept but the clouds I saw were much smoother and consistent in both length and girth (lel).
>>7329387yeah but only on my laptop mate. on my desktop right now with my laptop a few CM away. laptop is connected to wifi, desktop is connected to ether, both DC'd at the same time over and over again. it's stopped now and so has the car alarm.
>>7329389lel, personal favourite conspiracy theory. love how it ties into biblical prophecy too.
>convincing the masses that Jesus' return is an alien invasion so the masses willingly wage war against God.>>7329390just considering possibilities mate. I just discovered that Virgin have just lost all connectivity the other end of my town in the estate I grew up in. both internet and phones are off to the point where people are using mobile internet to spread the message because people won't be able to get in touch with the Doctors / pharmacy there.
>>7329392lel, entirely possible. I do have a history of mental health issues (just depression), my uncle's schizo and so's my mother and guess what, I'm unironically a kike. a based one tho.