Anime, and other Japanese media such as there vidya and music is a Freemason psyop that began under Douglas MacArthur (a Freemason who established the first lodge in Japan) after the Allied victory. SEGA (which owns the animation studio TMS) was founded by Jewish American businessmen (see Wikipedia) and was owned by the Masonic tied Gulf Western Company, which was created by the Rockefellers and owned Paramount pictures at one point. Thus, SEGAs games such as Sonic are full of symbolism, Sonic is blue, the color of the Freemasons, walks upon a checkered floor, and the world is filled with pillars and other occult symbols. 3% of the Fuji TV (which owns another studio David productions) is owned by the Society of Saint Paul. Now I have nothing against Catholics but anything tied to the Vatican I am wary of. Simon and Schuster prints VIZ manga in the US. Anime and vidya is full of Masonic, Gnostic, and sometimes outright Satanic themes, see Black Butler which is about a boy who gets kidnapped by an elite pedo cult, tortured to summon a demon (sexually), and has a twin, also the comic references blood transfusions to the elites, and has lots of checkerboard floor symbolism and such.