>>20838118Annabelle is on her way to a scheduled botox appointment when a notification of the tweet from Maaike arrives on her phone. When she reads it, she’s immediately struck by panic. She didn’t anticipate being put in this position. Maaike was clearly down on her luck. And Annabelle, in her own mind, had done such a good job of convincing the world that she was an in ring prodigy that the prospect of Maaike daring to challenge her, daring to force her to back up her self generated hype seemed remote.
But that is exactly what had happened. A direct challenge. To refuse would invite suspicion, and accusations of fear, Annabelle knew that. Maybe she could feign an injury? No, the trainers would find nothing wrong with her and clear her for competition. What if she got rid of her ring gear then claimed it was stolen? She couldn’t wrestle if she had no gear. She sighs. That wouldn’t work either, she’d just be given something else to wrestle in. And being seen debuting in anything other than her custom made attire would be unthinkable.
Truly, there was no option but to be seen to accept the match. But maybe just maybe, if something happened to Maaike between now and showtime, actually competing against her could be avoided. Annabelle starts typing her response.