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> Okay, so before everybody thinks I'm some sort of boogeyman that would lead some poor bloke on it truly wasn't my intention. To be fair I didn't even know he was interested in me until our last outing.
He's a super sweet guy and I'm definitely smitten, but I'll be honest when I say I thought he was miles out of my league in the sense that he seems relatively normal, has a good job, and is decent looking.We've been hanging out and texting a bunch but it's mostly surrounded a mutual hobby. We've done lunch a few times. Last night we did dinner and a movie, which ya, theoretically would be prime date material. I thought it was just as buds.Nevertheless, he got all weird after the movie on the drive back to my place (which I now chalk up to nerves). He walked me to my door which is highly unusual. He kissed me. It was unbelievably and intensely awkward but not altogether unwanted. Afterwards he hugged me goodbye and he's been texting a lot ever since, more than normal, and asking for another date. However, I'm not entirely sure if he's aware I'm trans. I'm relatively passing. I don't get called out on it in my day to day life but I feel like if you really looked and got to know me it might be obvious. I've had some friends ask. I don't mind people asking if they're kind about it. I just don't bring it up myself since I don't think it's relative to my current relationships.Obviously, when it comes to dating I know it's important and must be talked about. I'm just dreading the thought. I've always been rejected (mostly online) because I'm transgender which I hold no grudges over. I'm never going to be every guys cup of tea. I am hoping (perhaps a little naively) that I am this man's particular flavour.Anyways, I guess my question is how should one break this sort of news? I've never had to do this! I'm nervous, yet strangely hopeful!TL;DR: I'm trans and I'm not sure if the guy I'm seeing knows that. How do I tell him in the most comfortable way possible?