>>21492788picrel for reference
Somehow it is imagined that through some dogged effort, one can go from zero to hero, garbage tier to broken, limp dick manlet to thunderschlong the third. It is an unnatural obsession with being number one. No, statistics is not a bullshit science, especially when they are interpreted correctly. Let's take one fucking obvious statistic, in a world of BILLIONS of people, what makes you think you will be the fucking creme of the creme? Are you retarded? By this time I bet people are BRED LIKE A FUCKING PUG to be number 1, so out the gate you are already a loser by sheer virtue of not being a designer baby. Number 1 is overrated. You shouldn't have to strive to be a global number 1 just to be able to afford a crack shack. It is beyond ridiculous the lengths people will take to turn systemic problems into individual pathology.
>TLDR; society sucks, it is about to collapse and it has nothing to do with you