>>16679873>Ayo wtf? do u not know anything about afroasiatic?Yes, I do
>First of all semitic speakers aren't the majority its cushitic speakersthe greatest variation is in semitic languages, the number of speakers doesn't matter
>The oldest branch of afroasiatic is called omotic exclusively found in southern Ethiopiasource? and Cushtic definitely has nothing to do with Egypt
>Afroasiatic did originate there while semitic originated in the levantSemitic languages are the closest to ancient Egyptian, so if we agree on it being levantine in origin, the rest of your argument is moot
>Wdym by that, u think ancient egyptians didnt have some eurasian ancestry?They do, but 'related' here is in reference to genetic distance, Egyptians are no closer to horners than they are to nordics, see
>>16679822>Doesnt that make them related?Paternal DNA generally doesn't matter when measuring genetic distance (it just tends to correlate, but not in this case)
>I dont remember saying one is the ancestor or descendant of the other ,just relatedok, in that sense they are, but it's very thin
>3000 years of history in the middle of the civilized world with various invasions by many ethnicities and u think they didnt mix? U must have a nigger brainso in short, your ass