>>19318741Hours later, at the arena, Carmody Jefferson is having a blast inside the luxury skybox that Priscilla Divine has reserved for them. She's on her third glass of champagne in half an hour, laughing and chatting with Priscilla all too comfortably, taking a little too much pleasure in watching Kanako Leichenburg struggle against the mighty Dia Mood.
>"Ohh my goodness. I think this one's getting away with her, Pris. I really do."She punctuates the statement with a friendly touch to Priscilla Divine's shoulder. The affection, the casual assumption of a shortened pet name, the somewhat amused interest in her friend(?)'s difficulties..... maybe it's all just a product of the champagne and a few repressed feelings. Who's to say?
>"Hmmm, this is really something. I've trained with Kanako, and no doubt about it, she's off her game tonight. Maybe this Nika thing ain't working out all that well for her, you think?"Carmody giggles and takes a seat next to Priscilla. No doubt it will be time soon to confront Kanako and lay down the terms of their challenge at this rate.