>most globohomo country on earth>third world shithole>no freedom at all, can easily get arrested for saying "ngger" online>criminals can leave jail for a week during the Christmas and New Years, everybody think that's normal, especially our government >60.000 murders every year, yet our government is busy caring about ESG>least than 30% of murders are resolved>no jobs>no industries>low wages>high cost of living>high taxes, imported products get 93% tax>ugly women>ugly ass cities, no regulations on buildings at all, people just build whatever they want>hot as shit everywhere>99% of the country is literally Africa tier>one of the least "trust society" countries >corruption everywhere>laws are completely interpretive, you can easily be arrested if the judge wants, even if you comply with the law>all "culture" are centered around criminals>the same criminals are worshiped by women, politicians, media and the government the list goes on
(i wrote this as a reply but the thread got deleted)