>>19319227>>19319464>[The fight is a mess, with weapons and bodies flying everywhere. Even the referee got knocked down at one point.]Every punch makes Cactus Jane giggle a little bit more, and she is having the time of her life dancing with TRIN-NITY across the ring. Suddenly, Karna catches Cactus with her legs crossed and falls backwards onto a ladder, spiking Cactus' head on unforgiving steel, her body contorts and in a rare moment -- it doesn't feel good.
She managed to fight back and even get her Mandible Claw on the bigger one, but the pinfall is broken up. As Cactus gets back to her feet, she is hit on the back and something black, yellow and fast comes flying at her face. It connects to the side of her jaw, and everything goes silent.
. . .
Cactus re-awakens to a chorus of noise; some blood hungry fans are fighting, as others boo for some other reason, and the ringing in her eyes threatens to burst her left eye. Cactus rolls to a sitting position and counts her teeth. Twenty-eight. Good. She rocks back and forth a bit to get the feeling back, until the ring starts to shake: TRIN-NITY is coming, and she doesn't look happy. A trail of blood goes streaming down Cactus chin and neck as she smiles once more.
>[Oh yes. Oh yes. Play with me.]