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Hey femoid hows the prozac? Here is the simplest and best explanation of what is actually happening:
Earth is a war, nature is a war, sexual selection is a war, history is a war. It is a bunch of rape and tribalism and if you don't play that game you lose.
In the modern Weimar republic of corn syrup and internet porn called America, as well as broader western civilization, the number one taboo is white males engaging in racial tribalism. Since femoids are subhuman and can only calculate quality of mate by how ooga booga violent and tribalistic they are, white males get viewed as weak and not worthy of sexual selection. If there is a social context where there are multiple races/genders present, the white male is required to be at the very bottom of the social hierarchy and grovel on the floor as an awkward, effeminate, nerdy, harmless, submissive because if he opens his mouth and says that 1+1=2 he will get swarmed by the hive of normies and deemed hateful and racist for not assuming the other numbers might want to numerically identify as the sum of 1+1. This demoralizes the white male, so he drops out of college/society and in an effort to try to understand why everyone is so retarded he will begin watching Boomer Peterstein videos and Ben Shapiro rekt sjw compilations. Right wing politics is a superficial front for European racial tribalism, the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and the occult, Nazim, etc. So this male will end up here or kill himself knowing the situation is hopeless because european femoids decided it would be hilarious to import the 3rd world to the 1st world so they can engage in their beauty and the beast nigger rape fantasies to spite white males for thinking video games are more interesting than they are, instead of attempting to understand the situation at hand and trying to fight to preserve her race. Since eurofoids decided to cackle like a witch as they bury the males of their race alive,this gives us zero incentive to do anything.