>>18595212Amy watches the action on the monitor in the gorilla position with a combination of excitement and nervous tension, she covers her eyes as Colby scales the top rope and leaps towards Kasumi but peeks through her fingers just in time to see the brunette connect with the elbow drop. As Colby sets up Kasumi for the Cram Session Gotch-style Piledriver Amy finds herself yelling at the screen;
>"YES! GO COLBY! FINISH IT!As the ref counts three Amy leaps into the air, she grabs the first things she can find, two beer bottles, and hauls ass down the ramp towards the ring opening both bottles with her teeth as she goes. She rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and vigorously shakes both bottles spraying cheap beer six feet into the air causing it to rain down over the ring and a few unlucky fans in the front row. Amy passes one of the bottles to Colby and the pair chug what little remains of the liquid then hug in the middle of the ring, after the emotional upheaval of the past few weeks this was exactly the victory they needed.
Amy takes the empty beer bottle from Colby allowing her a moment to bask in her victory. As Colby celebrates Amy approaches Kasumi who is sitting in the corner covered in booze spray groggily being checked over by the referee, Amy kneels down and shakes Kasumi's hand then places both bottles in her lap as a camera operator on the outside of the ring moves in close to capture the moment.
>"Hell of a party sweetheart! You're cute, but you talk too much and think too little. If you weren't Cassie Kade's girl I would've broken both of these bottles over your head for the things you said... but as far as I'm concerned we're even now, so if you ever feel like partying give us a call. Or if you'd rather talk some more shit go get a permission slip from your boss and I'll fight you myself."