ternatively it's not special and will just go the same way as literally all other places and slowly be filled with people of the type "this picture is you because you like thing I don't like lol"
Anonymous (ID: UQqLU3rt) 05/26/20(Tue)11:49:09 No.10397309▶
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>>10397285 (OP)
>>10397296 >>10397291 Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>Anonymous (ID: UQqLU3rt) 05/26/20(Tue)11:50:51 No.10397316▶
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nymous (ID: QAyj2Y6D) 05/26/20(Tue)11:41:33 No.10397291▶
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>>10397285 (OP) (OP) (OP)
>Anonymous (ID: MEmqephF)
>r/okbuddyretard 05/26/20(Tue)11:40:17 No.10397285 md5 coiddgklw4301.jpg (47 KB, 600x643)File: coiddgklw4301.jpg (47 KB, 600x643) google yandex iqdb wait47 KB JPG r/okbuddyretard Anonymous (ID: MEmqephF) 05/26/20(Tue)22:40:17 No.10397285This subreddit will be the brick in the window for all of reddit on how it mocks stuck up users
>>sizable following
Anonymous (ID: 3s7eMxE8) 05/26/20(Tue)11:47:00 No.10397303▶
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>Anonymous (ID: RFtMEYCW) 05/26/20(Tue)11:52:03 No.10397321▶
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