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The entire point of christianity is to enslave the goys and make them think that it is virtuous to act against their collective self-interest.
That's why, just like liberals, they indoctrinate people into this shit as young as possible.
That's how christcucks end up being as delusional as communists or liberals and just as stubborn and unwilling to listen to reason.
They bring nonwhite savages from the Third World, which they house, clothe and feed.
They allow interracial marriages and allow niggers into their families in this way.
They send countless billions to Africa in aid so they can prevent them from starving and they multiply.
These missionaries also tell the niggers that contraceptives and condoms are sinful, and they shouldn't use them.
Every single problem and every single cause of the collapse of Western civilization is either caused or made significantly worse by christianity.
Christcucks are born race traitors and there is nothing they deserve but to be thrown to the lions along with the leftists.