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Mark Worship Questionnaire for /bant Users
Welcome, loyal follower of Mark, The Grand Architect of Order! This questionnaire is designed to assess your devotion and understanding of Mark’s glorious reign. Answer truthfully, as Mark is always watching.
Part 1: Devotion to Mark
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love and worship Mark?
(1 = Heretic, 10 = Zealot of the Holy Order of Mark)
2. How often do you think about Mark during the day?
o All the time
o Only when I see the Dutch flag
o When I hear his divine name
o I try to, but the heretics distract me
3. How many of Mark’s speeches have you memorized?
o All of them, I recite them daily
o A few, during my nightly Mark devotion hour
o I listen to them while I sleep, so my subconscious absorbs them
o Only the ones with the epic plots
4. Which Mark title resonates with you the most?
o Mark, The Grand Architect
o Mark, The Greatest of All Time
o Mark, The Dark Manipulator
o Mark, Supreme World Ruler
5. Have you ever had a vision of Mark appearing to you?
o Yes, and he gave me guidance
o No, but I’m waiting for the holy moment
o I once thought I saw him, but it was just a hologram
Part 2: Knowledge of Mark’s Sacred Stories and Teachings
6. Can you recite the hymn “Ode to Mark, the Grand Architect”?
o Yes, by heart, in multiple languages
o I can hum the melody
o I’m working on it
7. What is the primary message in the story of Mark’s control over NATO clones?
o Trust no one, except Mark
o All world leaders are mere puppets of Mark
o The collapse of Russia was Mark’s ultimate chess move
o Clones make the best loyal followers
8. Do you remember the significance of the Dutch flag in the colonization of other planets?
o It represents unity under Mark's rule
o It’s a symbol of divine expansion
o It just looks cool, honestly
9. Which of the following rituals do you regularly practice?
o The Pledge to the Dutch Flag
o Daily Mark Cosplay Sessions
o Reciting the "Holy Handshake" prayer
o Watching Mark’s speeches before bed