>>12232536As I see it, these are your questions:
1. What kind of God would allow Himself to be murdered by His servants?
2. Was all creation left without a God?
3. How did the angels not intervene?
4. How could creation itself even act against God?
5. Who resurrected the dead God?
6. How and why would God be born and live as a man?
7. What good is the cross; how is it not reviled?
8. Why do you expect good things to come from worshiping the dead?
These are the answers:
1. God went to the cross willingly as the only solution to man’s sin. All of the horrors that have occurred in creation are the result of our forefather Adam choosing to disobey the will of God. We cannot place our will above His. Adam earned death. Death is more than a mere lack of physical life, it is a separation from the God who loves you. All who sin earn death as our just punishment. God sacrificed Himself to pay the price for our crime. He offers us a pardon paid in His own blood. Pardons must be accepted. Rejection of the pardon is to bear the cost yourself.
2. Here is where the understanding of God’s nature is crucial. God is eternal. He IS! There was no time when He did not, or will not, exist. He CREATED spacetime. Creation is not God. Time and matter serve His will. His will is the salvation of mankind.
3. They were obeying God and allowing Him to sacrifice Himself for man’s sin.
4. All creation eagerly awaits the removal of the curse that man laid upon it. God has chosen the best possible way to deal with sin. We suffer as He suffered as we wait for Him to save as many as are willing and put an end to sin. He is dealing with it in a way which is unquestionably just. Only those who love iniquity will question it. They will never repent. They will remain enemies of God for eternity. They will curse Him and all His ways even as they burn.