>>2114213>read a translation and it might leave you thinking.just got one and it reads like babby's first (right hand side of pic related) nilhism
to which I respond that people put on value to the naturally valueless, no different than assigning material value to paper money and coins
the things i do are but dust in the wind and all that old shit, but other people affect where i can go and what i can do and such and to please others is pretty darn imperative. even if im not in an objectively subordinate role making parts in a factory for direct pay or whatever, making Nice Things in general makes the world a nicer place, which comes back to me, which should make me make more nice things, etc
but im personally a sad nigger because at some point that cycle of scratching eachother's backs got replaced with getting fuckin' caned for even trying, so why try anything. i dont know what broke down or where, though, or if that system of "do nice; get nice" ever existed at all. even from a purely sympathetic standpoint, if im being shit on for things, clearly those things are not wanted, so why inflict them on others either?
it makes me feel bad to do harm just in itself, and even if it didn't, theyd yell at me to make me feel bad anyway
no matter the moral framework or context, from pure altruism to a "fuck u got mine" hedonism, doing things just isnt really worth it for me, i think. and if i were to go full nilhist either, well, why do anything at all if things have no objective value, and no value can be found in subjective interpretations/systems
maybe ive missed the point of the text, but ive always found buddhism to be kinda bullshit. you have to be lying to yourself to be that indifferent to the world while remaining positive and polite. punk rocking is a more honest religion to me imo (no offense)
>>2114258make a new one if you want