>>13253209No the cousin fuckings legit. I know they created a special family term due to the amount of 2 Muslim men marrying their female cousins, then their kids marrying each other. Supposably that accounts for 5% of the population alone.
Anyways in the March of titians my city is mentioned as the only white metropolis left, and that’s how I was raised, but in my adulthood I’ve moved into the ethnic part of the city and it’s awesome. I love the food, I love the entrepreneurial spirit, I love the caste system where white males are at top, I love our gay Muslim mayor made us for the first time best city in the Western Hemisphere. Maybe we’re at that neat part like the 90s where immigrants help and life is great, but I just can’t see this stoping. Im not saying this is you, and I know I’ve lived a cushy life as I’ve never been threatened by a minority, but you can definitely see amongst my peers whos the most racist by how well their doing in life. To me it’s a easy way to blame short comings.