>>12932537The usual hindu trope of 432 thousand or million years long is Wrong! Most hindus do not accept wisdom from outside India, don't use logic and reason either , they just lap up and repeat anything told by their gurus who are limited in knowledge to only what their gurus taught them.
The right one is what you said, most possibly 12k years ago
Current kali yuga ends in 2033. Then comes a short Dwapara Yuga from 2033 to 2050, Then comes a short Treta yuga from 2050 to 2100 and then comes the Satya Yuga from 2100 onwards .. dates are approximate but very close to what will happen
Alien Contact Timetable - from Bashar recordings up to 2009
See [Bashar on 2012] (made in 2009) for a video version of much of this information
2012 - The general vibration of humanity shifts from being predominantly disallowing to predominantly allowing which means that alien races are now free to contact humanity openly without interfering with our freewill. But he says that none will probably at this time make such open contact...it's up to us to decide when we are ready.
2015 - 2017 - Humanity, as a whole, will "know for a fact" (Bashar's words) that other life exists elsewhere other than Earth
2017 - 2025 - Increasing isolated individual (sometimes group) alien contacts
2025 - 2033 - Sometime during this period will occur the first open, official contact from an alien race. The race is called [The Shalanaya, also known as The Yahyel][2]. See Phoenix Lights below. They are a "hybrid" species, meaning a combination of human and other DNA. Other contacts from other alien races will follow gradually over the years.
2037 - Humanity will start to be assisted (at whatever pace is comfortable) to develop the global community that will eventually allow Earth to join an interstellar alliance with other worlds.
By 2050 - Earth will become a new member of this interstellar alliance.