>>3134279I'm roosterred. I am a genius who was oppressed by society and alcoholism and drug addiction. I am the future and the fucked up past.
Basically, I wasn't rich enough to be put in those fancy boarding schools and got fucked by public schools because my teachers were incompetent. I literally prove that 1+e^iPIE=0 propositionally, literally in word form, as a 15 year old, and my teachers ignored me. I found I algebraic flaw in a conspiracy theorist "dubunking" of relativity and my teachers mocked me, literally mocked me, because they were low IQ l pieces of shit. Check my screen name if you don't believe me. RageSk8 on
physicsforums.com. My "teachers" literally ignored me and fucked me over. When I applied to Reed college, my college counselor literally fucking refused to send my transcripts over just to ensure I wouldn't get in. I somehow ended up at UC Berkeley and I was so fucking drunk that I graduated but fuck if I remember what happened. THE SYSTEM FUCKED ME SO HARD YOU DON'T EVEN NOW. I WAS PROPOSITIONALLY PROVING MATH TRUTHS AS A FUCKING 16 YEAR OLD AND THEY JUST SHIT ON ME AND DESTROY MY FUTURE.