>>20666949>So why would they serve jews, who look almost white or at least have light skin.Oppression stack. Non-whites are higher on the oppression totem-pole, meaning that their historic plights and grievances are higher than other minority groups. But Jews sit squarely on the top of the oppression stack, meaning that the plights, sufferings, and grievances of the Jews trounce and dominate the sufferings of all other minorities. As such, blacks and other non-whites all share camaraderie with Jews. That is until the oppression stack is taken into account. The suffering of a Jew will always be greater than the suffering of a Black. Some have begun to realize this fact and resent their low position on the stack.
Real talk though, there was a time where I seriously hated Jews, I mean I really did hate them. As time went on, that hatred began to wane, and became a low boiling simmer. I have gotten to the point where I literally do not give a fuck about them anymore. I understand them. And I do not let them have that hold on me anymore, not that they ever did. That hatred motivated me to improve much of my life from where I started, but then it became a burning coal in my hand. So I let it go. Any misbegotten fate that falls these people is a creation of their own design. If I had one want for these people, it's for them to ABANDON THEIR VICTIM MENTALITY. That's what's holding them back, and bringing everyone down with them that they can bring down. THAT'S ALL THEY HAVE TO DO, LET THE PAST GO AND MOVE THE FUCK ON. And there are a few Jews who have done it successfully. Their own people attack and destroy these Jews who step out of the narrative and think for themselves about what the real problems of their people are. It is a tragedy and comedy all at the same time. Many such cases.